All too often, mental health concerns take a backseat to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Sometimes sweeping the day’s stress under the rug to be dealt with later is easier than tackling it right away. It is a popular misconception that mental health treatment is only for those who are on the brink of an emotional catastrophe, but this simply isn’t true.
Therapy is a process of coming to terms with our emotions and developing the coping mechanisms necessary to deal with them. With that said, there are signs that it might be time to seek professional mental health treatment. At Peer Mental Wellness, located in Santa Ana, California, we specialize in helping patients identify the underlying causes of their mental health issues and help them chart the best path forward. Learn more about mental health treatment options by calling 714.844.5473.
Signs You Should Seek Professional Mental Health Treatment
Mental health is a term used to describe emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health disorders can affect mood, thinking, and behavior. While there is no cure for mental health issues, the impact on one’s life can have devastating results if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to identify the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns so that you can reach out for help from a mental health professional if necessary.
1. Feeling Off
Feelings of depression, bouts of anger, or feeling off is one of the most common signs suggesting that one should seek a mental health professional. This is especially true when these feelings come in waves or feel uncontrollable. These feelings can manifest through increased or decreased sleep and appetite, in addition to becoming emotionally withdrawn from friends and family.
2. Using Substances to Cope
Every emotional event and traumatic experience takes its toll in one form or another. The stress these events can create makes it easy to want to turn outward for instant gratification rather than inward for personal closure. Alcohol, drugs, food, and sex can ease stress temporarily, but when used frequently, this increases the chances of developing an addiction.
3. Loss and Grief
Everyone will experience loss and grief within their lifetimes. These moments are unavoidable and can be especially difficult when an individual lacks the appropriate coping mechanisms and support systems. The loss represents a period of transition and change, and the help of a professional can ensure you put your best foot forward.
4. Trauma
Dealing with trauma is not an exact science. Everyone has coping mechanisms and support systems, but this does not mean that all of these mechanisms and systems are healthy. During trauma and emotional crisis, mental health professionals can help those in need find the coping mechanisms best suited for them.
5. Social Withdrawal
Social withdrawal is an incredibly common sign that something might be off. Withdrawing from loved ones can result from any of the symptoms listed above and speaks to feelings of personal, situational discomfort. Social withdrawal is a natural reaction to many of life’s more chaotic events, but withdrawal can lead individuals struggling with their mental health towards harmful coping mechanisms and diminished self-confidence when left unaddressed.
Seek Help from the Mental Health Professionals at Peer Mental Wellness
It’s never easy admitting that you need help, and asking for it can prove to be even more difficult. At Peer Mental Wellness, however, this is not the case. We make seeking professional mental health treatment as easy as possible with the help of our dedicated team of specialists.
Contact our experienced staff at Peer Mental Wellness to schedule an appointment at 714.844.5473 and receive the mental health treatment you need to live the life you want.