What Are the Signs of OCD?

What Are the Signs of OCD?

woman in yellow shirt looks away and considers the signs of ocd

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of mental health condition that affects many people in different ways. Those with OCD may develop certain patterns of behavior and thoughts that can interfere with their daily life, leading to stress and anxiety. If you think you might have OCD, it’s important to know what the signs and symptoms are so that you can seek help.

The OCD treatment program at Peer Mental Wellness provides an opportunity for those with OCD to learn how to manage their symptoms. If you or a loved one could benefit from help, contact our team at 714.844.5473 today.

What Is OCD?

OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions). It’s believed to be caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. People with OCD experience uncontrollable obsessions or compulsions that they cannot ignore or control no matter how hard they try. These obsessions can range from fear of contamination to excessive worrying about order or symmetry. Compulsions often involve performing certain rituals, such as washing hands excessively or checking locks multiple times before leaving the house.

Common Signs of OCD

While each person’s signs and symptoms can vary, there are a few signs that are commonly associated with OCD.

Excessive Worrying

One of the most common signs of OCD is excessive worrying about things like germs, safety, orderliness, or other everyday matters. This worry may become so intense that it takes over every aspect of your life and prevents you from enjoying activities or socializing with friends.

Intrusive Thoughts

People with OCD may experience intrusive thoughts related to their worries, such as fears about contamination, worst-case scenarios regarding safety or health issues, or ideas about hurting others. These thoughts can be extremely distressing and difficult to manage on your own.  •

Repetitive Behaviors

Some compulsions include performing repetitive behaviors, such as:

  • Washing hands excessively
  • Checking locks multiple times before leaving the house
  • Counting items in a particular way repeatedly throughout the day
  • Touching objects in a specific sequence

These compulsions are often performed as an attempt to reduce anxiety, but they rarely provide any real relief in the long run.


Avoiding situations that trigger obsessions is another sign of OCD. You may find yourself avoiding social gatherings because you’re afraid your intrusive thoughts will surface during conversations, avoiding public spaces where germs might be present, or avoiding any activity at all due to fear that something bad will happen if you do it.

How Treatment for OCD Can Help

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a serious mental health condition that can significantly impact your quality of life if left untreated. If you think you might have OCD based on these signs and symptoms listed above, it’s important to reach out for help from a qualified mental health professional who specializes in treating this condition as soon as possible. With proper treatment and support, those living with OCD can learn how to manage their symptoms and live fuller lives free from intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. Treatment may include individual therapy, medication, and group therapy, and the team at Peer Mental Wellness is here to provide the support you need.

Reach Out to Peer Mental Wellness for Effective OCD Treatment

If you’re in need of effective, evidence-based OCD treatment in Los Angeles, reach out to Peer Mental Wellness today. We provide treatment that is always tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences, and our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you’re reaching out for yourself or a loved one, we can help you access the care you need.

Call us at 714.844.5473 or reach out online to get started.